To be or not to be a tour operator..
We choose not!
Tour operators are regulated by a great deal of red tape and financial restrictions. These are mainly aimed at protecting clients should the operator fail or for some other reason not deliver the tour package that the client has paid for in advance. This is of course understandable, but the numerous hurdles to be jumped over and hoops to be climbed through all add considerably to the overheads and therefore the costs involved in supplying the tour package.
A tour operator sources tour elements (transport, accommodation, meals etc) from service providers and combines them into a package. A package consists of at least two elements.
Since the only element that we supply directly to clients is the routing, we fall outside the tour operator regulations which frees us from a lot of the costs associated with providing a tour package. And since we are not taking payment for services to be delivered some time in the future (as tour operators must do), there is no risk involved to the client.